Homemade fluffy marshmallows | Desserts

homemade marshmallows recipe

Making homemade fluffy marshmallows is easier than you think! 


TIME:  24 hours | no oven 



4 packs of gelatin
1/2 cold water

1 cup sugar
1/2 corn syrup (light or dark)
2/3 cup water


In a mixing bowl bloom your gelatin (put your gelatin + cold water together and mix). Put that aside and head over to your stove. Grab a sauce pan and add your sugar, corn syrup & water. Bring to a boil and cover for about 10 minutes without uncovering. Once get a syrup like mixture, slowly pour your VERY hot mixture into the mixer and mix on high until fluffy and completely white (about 10 or so minutes). This is your time to add any food coloring (optional) and mix until you get the color you wished for. Once you're done dust your pan with powdered sugar and pour the fluffy mixture into your pan. I like to add another layer of powdered sugar but it optional. Let it rest for about 24 hours or until completely dry. Add glitter, cut and enjoy your homemade marshmallows! 


For full step by step tutorial: PT.1 https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdAYQSee/ ​PT.2 https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdAYxWPV/



How'd it go?!  Tag me on Instagram @danahassonn & @shouldlooklikethis so I can seee it <3